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Everything You Should Know About Seasonal Tire Changeovers

Everything You Should Know About Seasonal Tire Changeovers

Learn what a seasonal tire changeover is, why it is beneficial to change your tires at certain times of year, and how different tires handle different weather.

What Is A Seasonal Tire Changeover?

A tire changeover is when you change your tires. There are many reasons to change a tire. For example, you must change a tire if it is ruptured, punctured, or damaged in some way. Tires need to be changed when the treads have worn out and they can’t provide the traction you need. Sometimes drivers change their tires because they want to try something else. But the most common type of changeover is a seasonal changeover.

In London, Ontario, we experience four distinct seasons. These seasons offer very different driving conditions. It’s unreasonable to think that one tire can handle all these seasons equally well.

Changing your tires a few times a year to suit the season is wise. It means you will get more mileage out of your tires, and it can heighten the driving experience. But most importantly, seasonal tire changeovers are a crucial part of safe driving.

November Is An Ideal Time For A Seasonal Tire Changeover

When you are finished taking your Halloween decorations down, it is a good time to schedule a tire changeover. It’s time to put some winter or all-weather tires on your vehicle. While some call them “snow tires”, this term is a bit of a misnomer. That’s because winter tires are about a lot more than just snow.

In London, we might not get any significant snowfall until January. That doesn’t mean all-season tires and summer tires are fine for November and December. These tires can’t grip the road properly in temperatures as mild as seven degrees celsius.

We routinely dip below seven degrees in late October. At this temperature, the rubber compounds stiffen and can’t offer the traction you need to drive safely. Both winter tires and all-weather tires can provide the traction you need from mid-autumn until mid-spring.

Mid-Spring Is Another Good Time For A Tire Changeover

Driving on all-weather or winter tires all year isn’t a safety hazard, but it is not something we at Quarrie Tire and Auto recommend. Driving on winter tires all year can hurt your mileage and cause wheel misalignments. Over time, you can save money by switching to all-season or summer tires in warm weather and back to winter or all-weather tires in cold weather.

Some Drivers Change Their Tires Every June

Some drivers like to drive on high-performance summer tires in the hot weather. These tires are especially popular with owners of luxury cars. Summer tires provide the best driving experience from June to September for many vehicles.

Come To Quarrie’s Tire And Auto For Seasonal Tire Changeovers

You don’t need to keep searching for a tire changeover near you in London, Ontario. Just come to Quarrie’s Tire and Auto. We can sell you the best tires for your vehicle for any season.

To book an appointment for tire service, please click here. To learn more about car tires, or about any of the products and services we offer, please visit our website or call 519-452-1780.

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